Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Not all Ethics are Equal

In the world of Tarot Readers, the subject of Ethics comes up rather often. The stigma that we face from years of movie and TV representations, as well as our demonization by certain religious factions, has to be offset somehow.  Many of us post a statement outlining our "Do's and Don'ts" when it come to how we work with our clients - our Code of Ethics.

My view on Absolute Ethics
I have seen some online posts recently that seem to take the attitude that the author has some sort of moral right to tell people what their ethics should be.  When an article purports to tell us "10 Things an Ethical Reader Will Never Do", you know you are reading what THAT reader will not do.  No third party readings.  No Refunds. The idea that they can somehow tell everyone that their set of ethics is the One True Set of Ethics would be laughable if it were not so damaging to the Tarot Community as a whole.

One of the issues that we face as Tarot Readers is the way that we are marginalized and looked on as 'less than' by so many people and groups.  We are slowly becoming more mainstream and accepted, but we have a long way to go before the fears and lies that have been told about us are dispelled.  We certainly don't need our own community tearing us down from within.

How can there be different ethics within a group of Tarot Readers? Very easily.  Think in terms of a group of chefs who have studied for years to perfect their cooking techniques and style. Each one has the same basic idea on how to prepare and present their dishes, but individual preferences make them all different.

One chef will not cook with any protein that is not 'sustainable' while another will use nothing that has been caged. This chef prefers to use only high quality coconut oil for baking where another feels that butter is the only way to provide the taste and texture that their pastries deserve. For any of those chefs to claim that ALL chefs need to follow their personal belief if they are to be considered a REAL chef is the height of egotism.  Everyone is different and what one person finds to be offensive another person finds to be acceptable. At the same time every potential diner is able to choose which chef best fits their ideals and which ones do not and visit their establishments accordingly.

There are some lines that I believe should not be crossed -  sharing personal information about a client with other people, and offering to remove a curse from someone. I have been asked if I can help remove a curse several times, and each time I have made suggestions on various crystals and cleansing items that may be of benefit, and made sure that the client understood I do not remove curses.  I have shared some details of a reading without divulging any personal information when it has helped to illustrate how the cards can be interpreted in different situations. No names, no locations, just the cards and a basic idea of the question that was asked.

On the other hand, what is the problem with not allowing a refund?  Tarot readings are time and energy spent with a client, and that is what the payment is for.  If the message is not to the client's liking, or they feel that there was nothing gained from the reading, that is not a reason (in my opinion) to negate the time and effort that the Reader put into it. If a hairdresser didn't style you exactly as you wanted, did you demand your money back? Or do you simply decide that hairdresser is not the one to go to next time you want a coif?

Third Party readings are another sticking point for some readers.  If it is OK to look at how others see you in a career reading, why is it wrong to look at how your ex feels about you in a relationship reading?  Some Readers will not read for people who have an outside lover because they don't want to encourage that kind of behavior.  I see it as an aspect of the person being read, and until they ask how to keep their spouse from finding out, I am doing nothing immoral by reading for them. (Even then it would depend on the circumstances and the reason for wanting to know how to keep things secret, I try to read the cards and let the morals of a situation work themselves out based on what the cards show; it is not my place to pass judgement on the client).

Keep in mind that the last three paragraphs represent MY views on readings and do not necessarily reflect the views that others have.  I don't expect other people to march in lock step with me on these opinions any more than I feel obligated to blindly follow their opinions. Part of the reason that so many Tarot Readers have a following is because they offer a part of themselves when they read, and nobody can duplicate that energy.  The very things that draw you to a certain Reader may be the things that push another away, and that is perfectly OK. If we were all the same and offered nothing of our individuality in a reading, you might as well use a Tarot App to get a reading.

The next time you see an absolute rule (or 10) posted as fact, keep in mind that the only absolute rule when it comes to Tarot is that there are no absolutes. No absolute rules, no absolute rulers, and no absolute arbiters of what can and cannot be done in a Reading.

Including me and this post.

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